Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sagan and Spinoza

Once we lose our fear of being tiny, we find ourselves on the threshold of a vast and awesome Universe which dwarfs -- in time, in space, and in potential -- the tidy anthropocentric proscenium of our ancestors. - Carl Sagan

The evolution of science and religion. Understanding that science does not tell anyone to invalidate their beliefs, but rejecting it as baseless, so "self interests" are cared for, is backward thinking. The entire progress of humanity relied on brave thinkers and doers challenging traditional ideas and thinking. If we just pause for a little while and contemplate on this, the feeling is profound. Or as Carl Sagan would say when understanding the universe, it gives "a profound sermon on humility".

Carl Sagan was always at the back of my mind, ever since I first read about Pale Blue Dot and quoted about that in 2010. That was just beautiful prose. I finally got around this year to isolate my mind of petty distractions and immerse into his works. 2019 to me is Carl Sagan.

Having a kid forces you to think about the conditions under which they grow. Teaching yourself to understand nature, so you are in a better informed position to answer all the innocent questions that the kid will come up with. And they are coming! I will be ready :-)

2020 - Practice rigorous rational self-governance. Baruch Spinoza and his ideals. Lets see how that will mess up my head :-)

1 comment:

My Interim said...

Nice to see you active on your blog :) Beautiful read buddy.

Best of of luck for 2020, which started rather unusually.

Hope all of you are doing good.

Best Regards :D

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